Types Of Alimony In Florida

If you’re approaching divorce in Florida, alimony may be a considerable concern for you. If you’re dealing with the possibility of paying alimony, you may be worried about the financial impacts. If you’re dealing with the possibility of receiving alimony, you may also be concerned about your financial future, and whether you will have enough money to support yourself. In both situations, it’s important to understand the various types of alimony that may be awarded in Florida.
If you’re concerned about alimony, one of the first things you should do is get in touch with a qualified, experienced divorce attorney in Florida. These legal professionals can answer any questions you might have, and they can also guide you towards a positive outcome. This may mean paying less alimony or receiving more, depending on your unique situation. In order to start working towards an effective action plan, it’s best to get in contact with a legal professional as soon as possible.
As the name suggests, temporary alimony does not last beyond the divorce proceedings. This type of alimony is simply put in place as a temporary measure to ensure that spouses can support themselves. When the divorce is resolved, a new type of alimony may replace temporary alimony – or there may be no alimony awarded whatsoever.
Bridge-the-gap alimony is a possibility in Florida, and the Sunshine State is one of the few states that allows this type of alimony. Bridge-the-gap alimony provides spouses with short-term compensation while approaching single life for the first time. Spouses may need this type of alimony when waiting for assets to sell, such as a family home. They may also enjoy this type of alimony while trying to find a full-time job after spending years as a stay-at-home parent or homemaker.
Rehabilitative alimony is one of the most common types of alimony in Florida. This compensation is designed to provide spouses with the time and “breathing room” necessary to engage in work training, redevelop old skills, or acquire work experience. Once the spouse becomes self-sufficient once again, rehabilitative alimony ends as it no longer has a purpose.
Like rehabilitative alimony, duration alimony also comes to an end eventually. But unlike rehabilitative alimony, there is no specific plan in place to give spouses enough time to re-enter the workforce and become self-sufficient once again. There is simply a set time limit put in place, and once that time limit expires, the alimony ends.
Permanent alimony is perhaps the rarest type of alimony in Florida. As the name suggests, this type of alimony never actually ends, and it is most common with spouses who have been married for many decades. It is also generally awarded to spouses who are seniors.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a skilled Orlando family lawyer, contact Steve Marsee, P.A. Over the years, we have helped numerous spouses in the Sunshine State strive for the best possible outcome as they end their marriages confidently and efficiently. Book your consultation today and take your first steps towards a fair, reasonable alimony solution.