Tag Archives: Orlando Timesharing Attorney

Florida Child Custody Disputes: When Do Child Preferences Matter?
Under Florida law, child custody cases are resolved using the state’s ‘best interests of the child’ legal standard. In effect, this means that Florida family law courts make child custody decisions by taking a look at the totality of the circumstances in a given cases, and assessing what type of custody and time-sharing arrangement… Read More »

Florida Child Custody: Who Gets to Make Medical Decisions
There are few things more stressful and frustrating than being locked in a contentious child custody dispute. Under Florida law, child custody is a complex issue that must be handled with extreme care. Custody is actually broken down two different parts: Physical custody: Who has a right to be with the child, and when… Read More »

Five Tips for Co-Parenting Following a Divorce
Co-parenting with your former spouse is often one of the most difficult issues to deal with after a divorce. It is something that you need to prepare for properly because nothing should come before your child’s physical and emotional well-being. You need to be ready to take on the challenges that come with co-parenting…. Read More »

School’s Out: Child Time Sharing and Summer Vacation
School is almost out for the year in Central Florida; it is the time when parents across the region must start making summer vacation accommodations and arrangements for their children. For some families, this can be challenging, as summer break can really throw off their schedule. Making summer vacation arrangements can be even more… Read More »

Could Medical or Psychological Records Be Admitted in a Florida Timesharing Case?
Under American law, most prominently HIPAA’s privacy rule, a person’s health information is entitled to certain legal protections. Indeed, your medical and psychological health are presumed to be confidential. At the same time, Florida resolves all child custody issues under its ‘best interests of the child’ standard. What is best for a child’s safety… Read More »

Can My Ex Move Our Children Out of State?
When parents share joint custody of their children, relocating can be a huge issue. Indeed, one parent moving across the state, or out of the state, makes child time sharing a logistical nightmare. As such, when joint custody exists, parents do not have the right to simply pick up and move a child across… Read More »
Parenting Plans in Florida: Understanding the Basics
Under Florida law, whenever a case involves time-sharing and minor children, the parents must craft a ‘parenting plan’. In fact, parenting plans are even required in cases where there is no actual disagreement between the two parents. Florida courts look to the parents to come up with an equitable plan that is in the… Read More »
Multi-State Child Custody Cases
All child custody cases are complex. Each case comes with deep emotions and its own set of unique challenges. Things are made all the more confusing if the child’s parents no longer live in the same state. Not only does the distance make things inherently more difficult, but a dispute can arise over where… Read More »
Florida Child Custody: Emergency Change in Circumstances
No child custody agreement is every truly finalized. Florida courts always retain the ability to alter agreements in any case where it is deemed necessary or to be in the best interests of the child to do so. This is known as a post-judgment modification and it can be sought for a variety of… Read More »
Florida Timesharing Disputes: Understanding the Role of Parenting Coordinators
In Florida, if you are going through a child-related family law dispute, you may end up working with a parenting coordinator. Parenting coordinators are neutral parties. These trained professionals may be able to help your family work together to find a solution that is best for everyone involved. Most often, parenting coordinators are used… Read More »