Tag Archives: Orlando Family Law Lawyer
Types of Florida Alimony or Spousal Support
Many people going through a divorce in Florida believe not only that alimony or spousal support is mandatory, but that only one type of alimony exists. In reality, Florida law establishes six different types of alimony that the court can award in divorce cases, with differing lengths and requirements attached to each. Alimony requirements… Read More »
Establishing Paternity
Every child deserves to have a father, and when you establish paternity you give rights to the father, mother, and child in the family. Some of the benefits of establishing paternity include gaining information regarding medical history, knowing the identity of the child’s father, establishing inheritance rights, possible health or life insurance, and child… Read More »
Factors in Florida Division of Property
One of the biggest concerns for divorcing spouses is how to divide the marital property. Florida applies state statutes and the judge’s deference in determining who gets what in the divorce. Under Florida law, marital property is split under the concept of “equitable division.” Property is split according to what the judge deems is… Read More »
Florida Parental Responsibility
The idea of child custody has been replaced in Florida by the concept of shared parental responsibility. Florida state law has codified the idea and integrated it into all child custody considerations. However, many parents do not understand exactly how shared parental responsibility works or how it will affect future decisions regarding their child…. Read More »
Considerations for Florida Alimony
The purpose of alimony is to provide financial assistance to the economically disadvantaged spouse in a divorce. The main aspects of alimony in Florida include that the couple must be in a legal marriage, there must be a need for assistance on the part of the requesting spouse, and the other spouse must have… Read More »
Child Custody Where One Parent Lives Outside the United States
Obtaining or modifying a child custody order is a stressful process, even when both parents of a child live in the same community. That stress can become an outright nightmare when the child custody process takes on an international dimension. This can occur when one parent moves outside of the country, or even when… Read More »