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Tag Archives: Orlando Family Law Attorney


Four Common Timesharing Mistakes that Could Hurt Your Case

By Steve W. Marsee |

Are you currently involved in an Orlando, Florida timesharing dispute? If so, you may be feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and simply confused by the complex legal process. This is normal; going through a child custody dispute can be very challenging for parents. In this situation, the last thing you want is to make an… Read More »

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Temporary Custody for Extended Family Members

By Steve W. Marsee |

There come times, either voluntarily or involuntarily, when an extended family member may need to take temporary custody of a child. In Florida, the process for how exactly this works is governed by Chapter 751 of the Florida Statutes. Here, our Orlando child custody attorneys answer some frequently asked questions regarding family member temporary… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Health Insurance & Child Support

By Steve W. Marsee |

The state of Florida has established standardized child support guidelines. These guidelines are used as a basis for calculating child support obligations in any disputes, and they address all major child support issues, including health insurance. Here, our Orlando child support attorneys discuss how health insurance and related issues might impact one’s child support… Read More »

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Florida Family Law Cases and Voluntary Unemployment

By Steve W. Marsee |

A person’s income can matter a lot in a Florida family law case. Indeed, from property distribution, to spousal support (alimony) to child support obligations, the calculation of income will have a dramatic effect on the results of the case. Contrary to what many people believe, calculating income is not always a straightforward process…. Read More »

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Are You Getting a Divorce in Florida? Six Questions You Must Ask Yourself

By Steve W. Marsee |

The process of getting a divorce in Florida can be frustrating, confusing, stressful and fraught with emotions. Our team wants to help you through this difficult time and ensure that you are adequately prepared for all of the challenges that you might face. To get you started, we have put together a list of… Read More »

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Should I Sign the Prenuptial Agreement?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Let’s face it: Prenuptial agreements are not the height of romance. Indeed, even considering one can be an uncomfortable subject for many couples. That being said, these agreements are still extremely important. For some couples, a prenuptial agreement is simply a smart option. Though, no one in Central Florida should ever sign such an… Read More »

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Five Factors That Can Affect an Alimony Award in Florida

By Steve W. Marsee |

Following the end of a marriage, one spouse may be obligated to pay the other alimony. Under Florida law, alimony is gender neutral, meaning either a husband or wife may potentially receive alimony. The amount and duration of any legally mandated alimony will always depend on the specific circumstances of the case in question…. Read More »

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What is a Standing Temporary Order?

By Steve W. Marsee |

In the majority of jurisdictions in Florida, courts have implemented a general standing temporary order that is applied to ongoing divorce cases. For example, in Orange County and Osceola County the following Standing Temporary Administrative Order No. 2004-05-03 is used. Certainly divorce is a highly emotional and complicated time in any person’s life. The… Read More »

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My Ex Will Not Stick to the Child Custody Agreement, What Can I Do?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Reaching a child custody agreement can take a considerable amount of time, effort and emotional energy. For parents, there is so much at stake in a child custody or child time sharing dispute. As such, it is easy to understand why parents become extremely frustrated when their ex refuses to abide by the terms… Read More »

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Are Are You Getting Divorced in Florida? Here are Four Common Mistakes You Need to Avoid

By Steve W. Marsee |

Divorce is relatively common in Florida. In fact, according to data provided by the Census Bureau, Florida’s divorce rate is the 7th highest in the entire country. While there is no doubt that divorce can put immense psychological and financial stress on a family, there are strategies you can use to make the process… Read More »

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