Tag Archives: Florida Timesharing Disputes

Four Common Timesharing Mistakes that Could Hurt Your Case
Are you currently involved in an Orlando, Florida timesharing dispute? If so, you may be feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and simply confused by the complex legal process. This is normal; going through a child custody dispute can be very challenging for parents. In this situation, the last thing you want is to make an… Read More »

My Ex Will Not Stick to the Child Custody Agreement, What Can I Do?
Reaching a child custody agreement can take a considerable amount of time, effort and emotional energy. For parents, there is so much at stake in a child custody or child time sharing dispute. As such, it is easy to understand why parents become extremely frustrated when their ex refuses to abide by the terms… Read More »
Florida Family Law: What is a Guardian Ad-Litem?
If your Florida divorce involves minor children, or if you are involved in a Florida child custody dispute, a judge has the power to appoint a guardian ad-litem for your case. This can be done at the sole discretion of the judge and it may also be requested by either of the parents. In… Read More »
Florida Timesharing Disputes: Understanding the Best Interests of the Child Standard
It is always best to find a collaborative solution to any child-related issues. Unfortunately, that is not possible in every case. Sometimes, a Florida court will need to make the final decision. In these cases, courts will seek to resolve child custody disputes using the state’s ‘best interests of the child’ standard. Put simply,… Read More »
Florida Timesharing Disputes: Understanding the Role of Parenting Coordinators
In Florida, if you are going through a child-related family law dispute, you may end up working with a parenting coordinator. Parenting coordinators are neutral parties. These trained professionals may be able to help your family work together to find a solution that is best for everyone involved. Most often, parenting coordinators are used… Read More »