Tag Archives: Florida Parenting Plans

Going Back to School with your Parenting Plan
If you finalized your divorce recently, you and your children have probably experienced a lot of “firsts” this year. As your children’s first summer vacation with a parenting plan draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead to the next big “first” they have coming up: their first new school year with a… Read More »

How Should my Child’s Parenting Plan Change as He or She Develops?
As a parent, you know children go through stages. It can feel like just yesterday, you were dropping your child off at preschool and today, you are narrowing down college choices. If you are divorced for a long time, you might find that the parenting plan you originally created is no longer appropriate for… Read More »

How Do my Child’s Educational Needs Factor into my Parenting Plan?
When a couple with minor children divorces, a parenting plan is part of their divorce settlement. Parenting plans are legal orders that provide structure for the children’s relationships with their parents after the divorce is finalized. These orders are focused on what the court determines to be in the children’s best interest, which often… Read More »

Determining your Child’s Best Interests
When the court develops a parenting plan for a child, it considers a set of factors about the child’s lifestyle and needs to determine the plan that most effectively serves the child’s best interests. In most cases, it is in the child’s best interest to continue having a consistent relationship with both parents. The… Read More »

Can my Child Choose His or Her Parenting Plan?
In a word, no. Your child’s parenting plan is created according to what the court deems to be in his or her best interest, and to determine this, it considers a series of factors about your child’s needs and both parents’ lifestyles. Your child’s preference is one of the factors the court may consider,… Read More »

Could Medical or Psychological Records Be Admitted in a Florida Timesharing Case?
Under American law, most prominently HIPAA’s privacy rule, a person’s health information is entitled to certain legal protections. Indeed, your medical and psychological health are presumed to be confidential. At the same time, Florida resolves all child custody issues under its ‘best interests of the child’ standard. What is best for a child’s safety… Read More »

Can My Ex Move Our Children Out of State?
When parents share joint custody of their children, relocating can be a huge issue. Indeed, one parent moving across the state, or out of the state, makes child time sharing a logistical nightmare. As such, when joint custody exists, parents do not have the right to simply pick up and move a child across… Read More »

My Ex Will Not Stick to the Child Custody Agreement, What Can I Do?
Reaching a child custody agreement can take a considerable amount of time, effort and emotional energy. For parents, there is so much at stake in a child custody or child time sharing dispute. As such, it is easy to understand why parents become extremely frustrated when their ex refuses to abide by the terms… Read More »