Tag Archives: Florida Fathers Rights

Does an Unmarried Father Have the Right to Stop an Adoption in Florida?
For married fathers, parental rights are automatically granted when their wife gives birth. A married mother cannot put a child up for adoption unless she has the consent of the legal father (her husband) or has good cause to take action to get her husband’s parental rights removed. For unmarried fathers, establishing parental rights… Read More »
What Are the Rights of an Unmarried Father in Florida?
Legally speaking, there are “putative” and “biological” fathers. A putative father is someone who is presumed to be the father of an illegitimate child (i.e. offspring of unmarried parents). A biological father is one whose genes have been transmitted to the child, as opposed to adopting the minor. Establishing Paternity An unmarried father with… Read More »
Fathers’ Rights to Child Time Sharing in Florida
Under Florida law, the term “custody” is not used, nor is there a primary or secondary residential parent designation in the statutes. Conversely, state law grants both parents the rights to “time sharing” with their children. This means that a court will order a time-sharing schedule whose purpose is to serve the best interest… Read More »