Tag Archives: Florida Child Custody Dispute

Can My Ex Move Our Children Out of State?
When parents share joint custody of their children, relocating can be a huge issue. Indeed, one parent moving across the state, or out of the state, makes child time sharing a logistical nightmare. As such, when joint custody exists, parents do not have the right to simply pick up and move a child across… Read More »

When Can Parental Rights Be Terminated in Florida?
In Florida, there is a strong legal preference in favor of both parents having a role in a child’s life. This means that, whenever reasonably possible, Florida courts prefer to award shared responsibility in an child custody case. Of course, that is only a general rule and it will not hold in every situation…. Read More »
Florida Family Law: What is a Guardian Ad-Litem?
If your Florida divorce involves minor children, or if you are involved in a Florida child custody dispute, a judge has the power to appoint a guardian ad-litem for your case. This can be done at the sole discretion of the judge and it may also be requested by either of the parents. In… Read More »