Tag Archives: Florida Alimony Order

What Happens when an Alimony Order Ends?
Permanent alimony is far less common than it was in the past. Today, most alimony orders are created to last for a specific period of time, either to help rectify the income disparities between a couple for a specific number of years after their divorce or to help cover the lesser earning spouse’s educational… Read More »
My Ex Stopped Paying Alimony, What Can I Do?
Unfortunately, many alimony recipients find themselves facing a similar question. Not receiving your support payments can be both incredibly frustrating and financially burdensome. The good news is that you do have legal options available. If you have been awarded alimony by a Florida court, you are legally entitled to receive that money in a… Read More »
Enforcing a Florida Alimony Order
There are many reasons why former spouses fall behind on alimony payments. The loss of a job or medical issues can be honest reasons why payments may fall behind; however, some former spouses simply get tired of making payments or purposefully quit a job in order to avoid sending alimony to the other former… Read More »