Tag Archives: Florida Alimony

Alimony and Working Off the Books
In many divorce settlements, an alimony order is established to protect the lesser earning spouse from financial hardship after the divorce is finalized. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is determined by examining a set of factors about the couple and each partner’s individual needs. This includes each partner’s current income and employability. In… Read More »

How your Age Factors Into the Court’s Decision Regarding Alimony
Today, it is more popular than ever for couples over the age of 50 to divorce. These divorces are known as “gray divorces” and often, involve vastly different considerations than the considerations courts make for divorces among younger couples. How old you are at the time of your divorce can have a significant impact… Read More »

Florida Family Law Cases and Voluntary Unemployment
A person’s income can matter a lot in a Florida family law case. Indeed, from property distribution, to spousal support (alimony) to child support obligations, the calculation of income will have a dramatic effect on the results of the case. Contrary to what many people believe, calculating income is not always a straightforward process…. Read More »

Five Factors That Can Affect an Alimony Award in Florida
Following the end of a marriage, one spouse may be obligated to pay the other alimony. Under Florida law, alimony is gender neutral, meaning either a husband or wife may potentially receive alimony. The amount and duration of any legally mandated alimony will always depend on the specific circumstances of the case in question…. Read More »
Florida Court Issues Instructive Decision in Durational Alimony Case
Recently, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth District released an opinion in the case of Stark v. Stark. The case concerned whether or not the receiving spouse should have been entitled to durational alimony or permanent alimony. This case once again demonstrates the complexity of Florida alimony disputes. If you have any questions… Read More »
Could Social Media Posts Affect Your Family Law Case?
Social media applications such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have become a major part of many of our lives. They can be a very useful communication tool. However, if you are going through a divorce in Florida, or any other family law dispute, it is important to remember that social media posts could have… Read More »
Does a New Relationship Mean the End of Alimony?
Following a Florida divorce, many people will eventually find themselves in a new relationship. If the spouse who is receiving alimony enters a new relationship, there could potentially be significant legal ramifications. Both parties need to aware of how this could affect any alimony obligations. If you have any questions about spousal support payments… Read More »
Florida Alimony: What Are The Tax Implications?
The tax consequences of divorce are often overlooked. A divorce, and any resulting alimony payments, could have significant tax ramifications. It is important that the tax consequences are thoroughly considered throughout the entire process. The last thing you need is an additional headache from the IRS. If you have any questions about spousal support… Read More »
How to Obtain Alimony in Florida
Alimony is money that one spouse pays to another for support during a divorce proceeding or for some time after the issuance of a final divorce decree. Often, courts require the higher earner – no matter if it is the husband or the wife – to financially support the lower earner in an effort… Read More »
Length of Marriage Not Sole Factor in Determining Alimony
Across the nation family law judges are ruling on divorce cases and, most likely, awarding alimony. Contrary to popular belief, the dissolution of a marriage that lasted several years – or decades – is not in itself enough to justify an alimony award. In fact, a recent New Jersey court ruling held that judges… Read More »