Tag Archives: Alimony Award

Five Factors That Can Affect an Alimony Award in Florida
Following the end of a marriage, one spouse may be obligated to pay the other alimony. Under Florida law, alimony is gender neutral, meaning either a husband or wife may potentially receive alimony. The amount and duration of any legally mandated alimony will always depend on the specific circumstances of the case in question…. Read More »
Seeking Modification of Florida Alimony Awards
Florida’s alimony laws are known to be some of the most progressive in the nation. If an alimony award was given in the original divorce decree, Florida law allows for modification or termination. In order for this to occur, however, the movant must establish that something has occurred to affect the former spouse’s ability… Read More »
Length of Marriage Not Sole Factor in Determining Alimony
Across the nation family law judges are ruling on divorce cases and, most likely, awarding alimony. Contrary to popular belief, the dissolution of a marriage that lasted several years – or decades – is not in itself enough to justify an alimony award. In fact, a recent New Jersey court ruling held that judges… Read More »