Orlando Relocation Attorney
Life sometimes throws us curves. Getting divorced can be bad enough. Making things even worse is when you have to relocate. Moving your child away from their home can be a devastating situation.
However, after a divorce, you are on your own as a parent. While there is another parent involved, they are not paying your bills anymore. You need a home. You need an income to support yourself and your child.
This often means you might need to relocate. Perhaps you want to be closer to family who can help you raise your child. Maybe you got a new job a few states away, and it’s the job of your dreams. You just can’t say no.
However, relocation requires court approval. Under Florida law, relocation is defined as moving more than 50 miles away. You will have to petition the court to get approval from the other parent. If you relocate with your child without this approval, you could face criminal charges.
You don’t have to handle this on your own. Seek legal help from Orlando relocation attorney Steve W. Marsee, P.A. Attorney at Law.
Consent Required
As a divorced parent, unless you have sole custody, you cannot simply pack up your child and move them out of the state. Both parents have to agree to the relocation. The agreement cannot be oral; it must be written. It must also include a parenting plan that shows a time-sharing schedule for child custody after the relocation. There should also be a transportation arrangement that shows how the child will be transported to and from visitation and who will be responsible for doing so.
In order for the parenting agreement to be valid, it must be submitted to a court and ratified by a family law judge. The other parent has the right to object to the agreement. If there is an objection, though, the judge can still approve it. The judge will make a decision based on factors such as:
- Reason for the relocation
- Whether or not the relocation will improve the child’s quality of life
- The impact the relocation will have on the child
- How involved each parent is with the child
- The child’s preference
Relocation Without Court Approval
If you relocate without court approval, this is called contempt of court, which could result in jail time. Other penalties may include:
- Denial of the relocation request
- Payment of the other parent’s legal fees
- Court-ordered counseling
- Loss of child custody and timesharing
- Permanent changes to the parenting plan
Contact Us Today
Sometimes there are valid reasons for a parent to relocate themselves and their children after a divorce. However, it must be done legally, with court approval. Otherwise, there can be serious penalties involved.
Orlando relocation attorney Steve W. Marsee, P.A. Attorney at Law can assist you with getting approval for your relocation. Call 407-521-7171 or fill out the online form to schedule a consultation.