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Navigating Rehabilitative Alimony in Florida


With the termination of permanent spousal support in Florida, rehabilitative alimony is now one of the most common outcomes after an Orlando divorce. If you stand to receive rehabilitative alimony, you must strive to navigate this process with efficiency. With the right approach, you can turn this financial support into a lasting source of stability that may last the rest of your life – despite the loss of permanent alimony.

Defining Rehabilitative Alimony 

As the name suggests, the purpose of rehabilitative alimony is to rehabilitate the recipient. In other words, these funds help you “get back on your feet” after a long absence from the workforce during your marriage. The goal is not to provide you with financial support for the foreseeable future, and these funds will only last until you become financially independent.

These funds are not provided with “no strings attached.” In order to receive rehabilitative alimony, you must present the court with a “rehabilitative plan.” This plan should set forth an accurate timeline with various steps on the path to financial independence. Even if the court approves your plan, you must stick to it if you want to continue receiving your support funds. If you fail to carry out the steps outlined in your plan, your rehabilitative alimony must end early.

How Do I Approach Rehabilitative Alimony in Florida? 

If you are approaching rehabilitative alimony in Florida, you should remain realistic. Consider your existing job skills and qualifications before creating your plan. Do you have any college degrees or trade certifications? What kind of work experience do you have? If you have been absent from the workforce throughout a long marriage, you may need to renew your qualifications or recertify. Some career paths may no longer be viable due to changes in the economy.

It makes sense to choose a rehabilitative path that has the highest earning potential. Rehabilitative alimony is not a free ticket to college, and you should study subjects that actually have real value in the modern economy. You may wish to prioritize relatively quick certifications or diplomas that provide a positive return on investment. These plans have a higher chance of approval than obtaining an arts degree in college with questionable employment potential.

Be Wary of Future Modifications 

Your ex can petition to end rehabilitative alimony in certain circumstances. The classic example is if you fail to complete training, recertification, or education – perhaps by flunking out of a course or program. Your payments might also end if you cohabit (live) with a new romantic partner.

Can an Orlando Divorce Lawyer Help Me Get Rehabilitative Alimony? 

An Orlando divorce lawyer may be able to help you get the most out of your rehabilitative alimony plan. These legal professionals can steer you away from some of the most common mistakes during this process. They may also be able to maximize your support funds while setting the foundation for an independent, financially stable future. To discuss your options in more detail, consider a consultation with Steve Marsee, P.A. today.




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