Do you Qualify for an Uncontested Divorce? Find Out Now

Your divorce does not have to be a complicated, drawn-out process. If you qualify for an uncontested divorce, ending your marriage can be a fairly quick, inexpensive process in comparison to a traditional litigated divorce. Not every couple qualifies for this type of divorce, though. Find out now if you and your spouse are among those who do:
Do you Have Any Minor Children – Including Children On the Way?
Child custody and support orders make divorces more complicated, and if you have minor children, your divorce needs to include these orders. This is why only couples without minor children may complete uncontested divorces in Florida. If you or your spouse is pregnant, you cannot complete an uncontested divorce because once the baby is born, you will need to create custody and child support orders.
Are you Or your Partner Seeking Alimony?
If you or your spouse plan on seeking alimony, you cannot complete an uncontested divorce.
If you do not feel comfortable choosing not to seek alimony simply so you can pursue an uncontested divorce, do not do it. Alimony can be extremely helpful to individuals who have sacrificed their earning capacity to provide for their spouses and children, and choosing not to pursue alimony can create a significant financial hardship for you after your divorce. Your lawyer can help you determine how beneficial alimony could be for you and help you decide whether pursuing it is worth passing on an uncontested divorce.
Has At Least One of you Lived in Florida for Six Months or Longer?
To get divorced in Florida, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months. This is true regardless of whether you are seeking an uncontested divorce or a traditional divorce.
Are you Both on the Same Page About the Divorce?
Finally, you and your spouse have to agree about all your divorce’s terms in order to complete an uncontested divorce. This includes:
- The reason for your divorce. The only acceptable ground for an uncontested divorce in Florida is that your marriage is “irretrievably broken.” If one of you does not agree that this is the case, you cannot complete an uncontested divorce; and
- How your property and debt are to be divided. Talk to your lawyer to determine whether your proposed property division plan is one that is in your best interest. With an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse are the only ones making this determination.
Work with an Experienced Orlando Divorce Lawyer
Even though an uncontested divorce is a relatively simple process, it is in your best interest to discuss your divorce with an experienced Orlando divorce lawyer so you are fully aware of your rights and all of your legal options as you pursue yours. Get started with The Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, P.A. today by contacting our office to set up your initial legal consultation.