Category Archives: Family Law
Should Florida Co-Parents Share The Cost Of College Tuition For Children?
The cost of a college education continues to rise in Florida and elsewhere. While some colleges instituted price freezes last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, living expenses, room and board and other out of pocket expenses can quickly add up for college students. While parents are not mandated to pay for a child’s… Read More »
Can You Be Awarded Temporary Alimony While A Divorce Is Pending In Orange County?
If a divorce is contested, meaning the parties are arguing about every major issue including child custody and property distribution, proceedings could be drawn out for months, or even more than a year. Both for parties in which one spouse worked and the other spouse didn’t, waiting a year for a settlement or divorce… Read More »
Can I Modify My Prenuptial Agreement (Prenup) In Florida?
A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a legally binding document signed by both parties before entering into a marriage. Since the terms of a prenup are agreed upon before the marriage, it is difficult to modify a prenuptial agreement. However, just because it’s difficult does not mean that it’s impossible. Nonetheless, before signing a prenup,… Read More »
Who Keeps The Pets In My Florida Divorce?
When a divorce involves minor children, spouses often cannot work out custody arrangements. The same can be said about divorces involving pets. When a divorce involves pets, spouses may disagree on who gets the pets. While many people mistakenly believe that “pet custody” issues are resolved similar to “child custody,” that is not the… Read More »
What is a Substantial Change in Circumstances in Florida Court Order Modifications?
While Florida law allows parties to modify child support, alimony, and even timesharing plans, the party requesting a modification must prove a “substantial change in circumstances.” However, many Floridians do not know what qualifies as a substantial change in circumstances to modify a court order in Florida. If you are considering modifying a court… Read More »
Can I Seek Alimony After a Long-Term Romantic Relationship (Palimony)?
Ending a long-term relationship between romantic partners can be just as emotionally and financially challenging as getting divorced. If you were in a romantic relationship for a long time but never actually got married, do you have a right to seek alimony after the relationship ends? This is a common question that our Orlando… Read More »
Will Remarriage Affect My Child Support Order in Florida?
If you have children, you have a legal obligation to support them financially. That’s why parents who get divorced or separated are ordered to pay child support. But does either parent’s remarriage affect a child support order? In Florida, remarriage in and by itself has no effect on the parent’s obligation to pay child… Read More »
10 Things to Consider When Creating a Parenting Plan in Florida
Getting divorced is always tough, especially if your divorce involves children. Under Section 61.13, Florida Statutes, parents who are divorcing are required to create a parenting plan. Filling out a parenting plan is a significant task because this document will serve as a roadmap for how parents should navigate disagreements and conflicts without having… Read More »
Can Emotional Abuse During the Marriage Affect Your Divorce Case in Florida?
Contrary to popular belief, not all forms of domestic violence involve physical injuries. Emotional abuse is not uncommon during the marriage, and it can be just as painful as physical abuse. What is Emotional Abuse? Spousal emotional abuse involves manipulation, shaming, blaming, controlling, demeaning, insults, put-downs, belittling, tearing down, name-calling, and other forms of… Read More »
Here’s How Remarriage Can Affect Your Divorce, Alimony, Timesharing, and Other Issues
While many people are reluctant to marry someone – or even begin dating – immediately after getting divorced, the idea of remarriage may not seem that outlandish after a while. However, remarriage after a divorce is a big step because you need to consider its potential impact on your divorce settlement as well as… Read More »