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Author Archives: Imp Orter


Florida Divorce: Required Financial Disclosures

By Steve W. Marsee |

Finances are a major issue in many different types of Florida family law cases. From property distribution battles to child support calculations, a fair ruling requires knowing the true financial means of each party. Of course, as reasonable and straightforward as this sounds, the reality can be far more complicated. Determining the actual financial… Read More »

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Your Guide to Rehabilitative Alimony in Florida

By Steve W. Marsee |

Alimony, also referred to as spousal support, is a contentious issue in many Florida divorce cases. If you are going through a divorce, you or your spouse may be entitled to an alimony award. As a result of the 1979 Supreme Court case of Orr v. Orr, alimony is gender neutral. By law, either… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Social Media and Florida Divorce

By Steve W. Marsee |

For many people, social media has become an increasingly important part of their life. Most Americans are now on at least one social media network. According to data provided by the Pew Research Center, nearly 70 percent of people actively use social media. While using social media is often a causal experience, your posts… Read More »

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Florida Divorce and Business Ownership: Marital Labor

By Steve W. Marsee |

On March 22nd, 2017, the Florida Second District Court of Appeal released a decision in the case of Bair v. Bair. This complex divorce case involved a business owner who held nonmarital interests in a company, but who also worked full time at the company throughout the length of the marriage. As such, the… Read More »

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How are Student Loans Divided in a Florida Divorce

By Steve W. Marsee |

The cost of education has been rising in Florida and around the country. Collectively, Americans currently hold more than $1 trillion of student loan debt. In the modern world, many people carry their student loan debt for decades. Further, more than ever, older Americans are going back to school and incurring additional student loan… Read More »

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Florida Family Law Cases and Voluntary Unemployment

By Steve W. Marsee |

A person’s income can matter a lot in a Florida family law case. Indeed, from property distribution, to spousal support (alimony) to child support obligations, the calculation of income will have a dramatic effect on the results of the case. Contrary to what many people believe, calculating income is not always a straightforward process…. Read More »

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When Can Florida Courts Deviate from the Child Support Guidelines?

By Steve W. Marsee |

The state of Florida has established official guidelines for calculating child support payments. These guidelines are meant to establish a baseline for a child support award. As such, there is a general presumption that the guidelines will produce a figure that is fair to both parents and to the children. However, these guidelines are… Read More »

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Are You Getting a Divorce in Florida? Six Questions You Must Ask Yourself

By Steve W. Marsee |

The process of getting a divorce in Florida can be frustrating, confusing, stressful and fraught with emotions. Our team wants to help you through this difficult time and ensure that you are adequately prepared for all of the challenges that you might face. To get you started, we have put together a list of… Read More »

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Should I Sign the Prenuptial Agreement?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Let’s face it: Prenuptial agreements are not the height of romance. Indeed, even considering one can be an uncomfortable subject for many couples. That being said, these agreements are still extremely important. For some couples, a prenuptial agreement is simply a smart option. Though, no one in Central Florida should ever sign such an… Read More »

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Can My Ex Move Our Children Out of State?

By Steve W. Marsee |

When parents share joint custody of their children, relocating can be a huge issue. Indeed, one parent moving across the state, or out of the state, makes child time sharing a logistical nightmare. As such, when joint custody exists, parents do not have the right to simply pick up and move a child across… Read More »

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