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Orlando Divorce Attorney
Experienced Orlando Divorce Attorney
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Avoiding a Disastrous and Devastating Divorce


Sometimes divorces get extra heated and push both spouses to their limits. In such cases, spouses often make untrue accusations, verbally attack each other, place one another in extreme financial stress and burden their spouse with excessive emotional pressure. When divorces get out of hand, neither side comes out ahead, especially when small children are caught in the middle. 

While your lawyer may seek to terminate the divorce and resolve all relating issues equitably and reasonably, litigation often puts unnecessary pressure on both sides. In cases where one side wants to put an end to litigation, while the other side is content on continuing to battle, a real power struggle can ensue.

Advice for Preventing a Messy Divorce 

  1. Timing is critical: Divorces are life altering events and while some spouses may seek to hire an attorney immediately, others are not always prepared to take action. There is not any strict timeline that divorcing couples are forced to follow, so it is important to select a time that is right for you. We recommend seeking legal representation and carefully consider all your opinions. Never rush into a divorce proceeding before you are emotionally ready to handle it.
  2. If necessary, obtain support from a trained counselor, close friends, or family members: With the proper support and reassurance, it can help you deal with excessive stress levels and make you stronger emotionally. Having solid support from someone not involved in the divorce process can also help you put everything into perspective.
  3. Never compare yourself to others: Although it is easy to reason that other divorcees you know received more favorable terms, do not expect the same. Everyones’ circumstances are different. Thus, do not depend on the experiences of others. Alternatively, you should take your lawyer’s advice and understand the uniqueness of your situation.
  4. Avoid posting negative stuff on social media: Be especially mindful of what you choose to post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Often in divorces one spouse moves on faster than the other. Be particularly careful to avoid posting about a new boyfriend or girlfriend or irrational comments that may upset your spouse.
  5. Explore all of your possibilities: Divorcees often believe that going to court is their only choice. However, it should be considered a fallback option. Your divorce lawyer can go over all of your options and decide which one is best. This could mean trying a collaborative approach or even mediation.
  6. Select your divorce attorney wisely: Your choice in divorce attorneys can have a huge impact on how your divorce ends up. Choose an attorney with a style and approach that fits you.

Don’t Hesitate to Contact an Expert Divorce Lawyer Now! 

The Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee can assist you avoid a messy divorce. The significance of having a highly skilled lawyer cannot be underestimated. Attorney Steve W. Marsee will do everything in his power to make sure your divorce is as diplomatic and uncomplicated as possible. Our goal is to find and use an approach that best fits your goals.

The experienced Orlando divorce attorneys at our office will make sure that you get your life headed in the right direct as soon as possible. You can count on our qualified team to keep you informed and guide you through every step on the way. Contact us online or call today at 407-521-7171 to discuss the circumstances of your divorce in more detail.




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